The Best Fit Game (best for 4-8 players; easy for beginners)
- Deal out 6 cards to each person.
- Have someone start by offering a prompt, such as a method (along with a short explanation of the method if others are not familiar with it) or a dilemma they have faced in a meeting or group event.
- Each listener picks out one card from their hand that they think is most relevant and offers it in response.
- The prompter reviews the cards—this is most fun when accompanied by lobbying from each participant as to why their card is the most relevant.
- The prompter selects one card as the best fit, and whoever's card was chosen receives one point.
- Discard all the cards that weren't chosen, and deal out a new card to each person so everyone once again has 6 cards.
- Take turns in a circle until each person has had a turn being the prompter, or until you run out of new cards. Inspiration: Apples to Apples
When to Use / Type of Meeting / When in Agenda:
Facilitator Training
Variation: Keep unused cards
A slight variation is to keep all the unused cards in your hand, and draw a new card to replace the one you put down.
This can encourage more reflection on each of the patterns, and how they might apply in various situations.
Variation: Random Draw
Another variation is for listeners to have the option to choose a random card from the deck and argue for it. If successful, they gain 3 points.