Abigail Leeder
Adrian Silva
Adrien Gabel
Location: Culver City, FL, us
Ain Kew
BScIT Advanced Networking
I naturally inclined to, and enjoy very much, bringing people and ideas together.
Location: New York, New York, United States
Al Cushing
Location: Whitehorse, , United States
Organization: Yukon Arts Centre
Alan Pollard
Aleks Blumentals
Sense maker working with large groups, designing viable sustainable futures. @Americas @Africa @Europe @companies @NGOs @government @entrepreneur
Organization: Katalyst Growth Partners
Alexa Pitoulis
Alexander Rossie
Massage therapy professional.
Long term member of a professional massage association, spent 7 years on its board of directors. Have been involved in that association’s strategic planning committee since 2005, chaired it for 7 years, initiated and contributed to a professional code of practice document that is considered world standard; teacher and writer on professional ethics and the nature of the therapeutic relationship, professional mentor. Also a history of being involved in the environmental movement, workplace and community activism and political organisation and participation since the mid 70s.
Location: Maclean, New South Wales, Australia
Alexey Pikulev
A licensed Management 3.0 trainer and Agile coach with many years of experience of working with a variety of organizations from start-ups to international enterprise corporations. The main focus of my training is Agile Leadership practices and its applications in the organization culture. As a Coach, I am not going to tell your organization what to do but will help you to find the right solution on your own. My current passion is building an engaging creative-work culture in the team, company and community levels by using a variety of creative concepts from coaching to business games .
Co-author of A Scrum Master's Practical Toolbox book. My motto is "Delivering Value".
Organization: InTeamWeTrust
Alice Greenbird
I am a student seeking new Indigenous knowledge.
Location: Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada
Amanda White
Amanda Speers
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Amanda Fenton
Many years ago my curiosity and passion were ignited around how we might be, meet and work together in a different way. From that journey I’ve found my place in this world as a participatory process designer and facilitator, hosting and harvesting conversations that matter.
I work with organizations, communities and individuals to invite collaboration, facilitate participatory gatherings, and harvest the fruits of those conversations for sustainable progress. I create space for people to turn towards each other for meaningful conversation, where all voices are welcomed and heard. My work happens in meetings, gatherings, conferences and more, designing circle-based participatory dialogue processes to create a container for leadership and wise action to emerge.
I live on the beautiful west coast of BC with my sweetie and our great Dane Maya, and I'm so glad to be here with the Group Works community!
Amy Voros
Amy Ruth
Location: Vancouver, BC, ca
Amy Lenzo
Location: Richmond, CA, us
Ana Hernandez
Hey, I'm a musician, facilitate lots of groups, and just got a deck. Yay! I look forward to using it for things planned, intuited, and unknown... Thanks for doing all this work!
Angela Sealy
Angie Kerrick
Organization: Goodwill Industries of Kentucky
Anita Chow
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Ansuya Naguran
Location: Nordland, WA, us
Antonia Lewis
Anuradha Rao Rao
Organization: LeAD Solutions
Arthur Battram
I'm the author of:
'Navigating Complexity: the essential guide to complexity theory in business and management'
Location: Ruabon, WRX, gb
Ashley McGuire
Location: San Diego, CA, us
Bapu Bhupatkar
Chair of Board of Trustees
Organization: Tathapi Trust
Barb Elder
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Barbara Pedersen
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Organization: Barbara Pedersen Facilitation Services Inc.
Barnaby Spring
Barry Hunt
Basa Koga
Béatrice MELIN
coach consultant facilitator who helps people work together, based in Marseilles, south of France. I travel a lot to Réunion Island, a french island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
Location: marseille, , fr
Beatrice Briggs
Location: Tepoztlan, MOR, mx
Ben Winters
beth gignac
Dive in, follow the energy and trajectory will be made clear!
Organization: Gignac-Groulx Inc
Betsy Morris
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
Community development planner/researcher and experiential educator seeing a world of possibilities for the GroupWorks deck! www.ebcoho.org
Organization: Cohousing California
Bhavin Kothari
I am happy go lucky person.
Professor of Strategic Design Management at National Institute of Design in India.
Like to deal with people and group. It works, it helps, it gives enjoyment.
Location: Ahmedabad, GJ, in
Organization: National Institute of Design
Bob Stains
Works for the Public Conversations project facilitating dialogues and retreats; training facilitators and trainers
Brent MacKinnon
I like the topic and I can see that I can learn a lot.
Brett Joseph
I am an organizational design consultant, researcher and permaculture teacher working in northeast Ohio
Brian Hayward
Hi, I live in the UK and I have just come across your website and your cards. I am in the process of setting up a community based group and I think your cards would work really well within the group settings.
Brian Fountain
I am on a mission to demystify the science of learning and the craft of teaching. As a seasoned technologist, designer and education executive I assist organizations with some of the following challenges:
* Curriculum Design & Teacher Training
* Organizational Design including Purpose and Vision
* B2B Product Design and Delivery
My professional background is diverse. I bring a deep knowledge of narrative, technology, marketing and comedy to every aspect of my work. Past and present projects includes transmedia writing, marketing, creative concepting, alternate reality game design and mobile game design. I have over a decade of web development and graphic design experience.
Location: New York, NY, us
Brian Donovan
I live in the Irish midlands with partner of 25 years. She and I share life with two dogs (12 year old border collie cross; 14 week old terrier), and two fostered donkeys. We grow much of our own food and live in a small rural community.
I also lecture part-time in university (education) and am beginning to research human ageing and socio/psychological development.
Organization: Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Bruce Bartlett
Cabot Lyford
Caitlin Robertson
Roles: Site Administrator, Core Group
I focus on the ripple effects of restorative practices and eradicating systemic injustice. I'm currently finishing up my PhD dissertation which explores the ripple effects of higher education behind bars by using restorative, critical, and leadership theories.
Location: Spokane, WA, us
Camille Rozon
Location: Vancouver, BC, ca
Organization: Providence Health Care
Carla Romero
I am a macro social work student interested in doing community outreach and work.
Organization: ASU MSW student
Carlos López
Location: San Pedro de la Paz, BI, cl
Organization: Instituto Chileno de Permacultura
Carol McCollum
Location: Madison, WI, us
Caroline Blackwell
Carter Klenk-Morse
Location: Brooklyn, NY, us
Cassell Gross
Location: Boulder, Colorado, United States
Cath Evans
Working in environmental education and volunteer coordination. Interested in permaculture and learning how to be a better facilitator.
Location: Edinburgh, , gb
Catherine Evans
Working in environmental education and volunteer coordination. Interested in permaculture and learning to be a better facilitator.
Location: Edinburgh, , gb
catherine powell
I am a facilitator and work primarily in communications and conflict resolution area in education and as a practitioner. I am a mediator and conflict management coach. I love the cards, just have to save up given the mailing charges. I'm assuming there are no distributors in Australia?
Location: black rock, VIC, au
Organization: acadine pty ltd
Catherine Barnes
Dr. Catherine Barnes has worked for conflict transformation and social justice for more than thirty years. She is an affiliate faculty member of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University and a freelance practitioner and researcher. Catherine has extensive experience facilitating conversations on challenging topics, in locations ranging from the UN General Assembly Hall to village gathering places. She focuses on whole-of-system deliberative dialogue processes and training other practitioners in these skills.
Location: Staunton, VA, us
Organization: EMU Center for Justice & Peacebuilding + Consultant
Catherine Shinners
I'm a collaboration consultant working with organizations to bring successful collaboration and social business capacities to their organizations, business systems, processes and culture to generate new value, advance workforce engagement.
Location: Palo Alto, CA, us
Organization: Merced Group
Chantal Eves
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Chris Corrigan
Chris Weaver
I am a teacher, a designer of educational processes (from brief learning experiences to entire schools), and a group facilitator, based in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. I love the pattern language approach of Group Works. I am designing a pattern language for a learner-centered K-8 or K-12 school. I am a trainer and co-owner of the international Genuine Contact program. I am also designing a new K-8 school, the Olivette School, which will open its doors in 2018 in the mountains of North Carolina. I am particularly interested in connecting with others who are using the Group Works approach to design schools and other educational organizations.
Location: Asheville, NC, us
Organization: One Purpose Design
Chris Percy
Christian Sweningsen
Active in and co-founder of a number of local change groups; work in qualitative science of human experience and attendant education (Waldorf high school physics).
Location: Stuyvesant, NY, us
Organization: Revisioning the Economy, Zero Waste Columbia, Hudson Area TimeBank
Christina Porter
Interested in strategic play.
Location: Porirua, , New Zealand
Christine O'Connor
Christopher Allen
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
Entrepreneur, Visionary & Technologist — iOS Developer & Author — Associate Faculty in Sustainable MBA program at Bainbridge Graduate Institute
Christopher Eads
I have an MBA and am an Architect.
Location: Harrisonburg, VA, us
Christy Lee-Engel
Chuck Brands
Cindy Cassidy
I'm a volunteer with the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society. I've been a puppy-raiser, a puppy sitter and a sitter to service dogs in advanced training. Professionally, I'm a volunteer coordinator with a passion for building stronger, connected communities.
Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Organization: United Way British Columbia
Claudia Liebler
Colleen MacNaughton
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Corinna Totino
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Curtis Michelson
I'm a long time community activist and organizational change facilitator working a lot with educational institutions. I love using the cards for a variety of scenarios and find they always bring levity and depth to group work everywhere.
Location: Orlando, FL, us
Organization: Minds Alert, llc
Cynthia Kurtz
I'm an independent researcher, consultant, software developer, and author who has been working in organizational and community narrative since 1999. I love the Group Works cards and am eager to find lots of new and interesting ways to use them in my work. :)
Location: Upstate New York, NY, us
Organization: Just little ol' me ;)
Cynthia Kernan
Damien Vasse
Organization: Graines des qui-libres
Daniel Doherty
I am a learning and group process facilitator certified in several methodologies, currently upgrading my visual/graphic facilitation skills. I run courses that use the GroupWorks deck as the 'text book.'
Organization: Reciprocity Publishing
Daniel Mezick
Daniel Lindenberger
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
In both both my life in the Cohousing world and my work as a facilitator I make regular use of Group Works with colleagues, clients and communities generally for understanding issues, developing processes, and debriefing sessions.
I'm also currently working on Connection Deck, an offshoot of Group Works geared towards kids and the parents, educators, caregivers and others who work with and love them.
I'm currently exploring the "Language" aspect of pattern language, and pattern language development as a practice.
Location: Langley, , United States
Organization: Group Pattern Language Project, Connection Deck, Source Facilitation Collective
Daniela Anderluzzi
business coach and consultant
Daniela Pieper
Danielle Chiero
Danielle Conroy
Location: San Rafael, CA, us
Organization: Leadership Pathways
Darcy Houston
I am a senior analyst at the Ministry of Health, where I am also a busy shop steward. I have some facilitation experience, but always looking to improve my skills.
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Organization: Ministry of Health
Dave Pollard
Roles: Site Administrator, Core Group, Ambassador / Steward
Dave resigned from paid work in 2010, after 35 years as an advisor to small enterprises, with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and understanding complexity. He is a long-time student of our culture and its systems, of history and of how the world really works, and has authored the blog How to Save the World for over ten years. His book Finding the Sweet Spot: The Natural Entrepreneur’s Guide to Responsible, Sustainable, Joyful Work, was published by Chelsea Green in 2008. He is one of the core team members of Group Works: A Pattern Language for Bringing Life to Meetings and Other Gatherings, published in 2012. He is a member of the international Transition movement, the Communities movement, the Sharing Economy movement, and the Dark Mountain artists’ collective, and is a regular writer for the deep ecology magazine SHIFT. He is working on a collection of short stories about the world two millennia from now. He lives on Bowen Island, Canada.
Location: Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada
Dave Dann
Member of sustainability gtroup. Teacher. Landworker.
Location: Exeter, DEV, gb
Organization: Sustainable Crediton
David Ing
Past president (2011-2012) of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. Active in the pattern language community (PLoP, Purplsoc, PUARL). Initiated the Systems Changes research program, http://systemschanges.com .
Location: Toronto, ON, ca
Organization: International Society for the Systems Sciences
David Wetherow
An old Pattern Language aficionado, working for a long time on a pattern language for the inclusion of people who may be marginalized because of disability, age, or other challenges into the heart of community life. Now working on a card deck (inspired by the GroupWorks deck) for building creative circles of support anchored in authentic community.
Location: Parksville, BC, ca
Organization: The Star Raft Project
David Gouthro
A seasoned (but not too spicy) facilitator who for the last 30 years has been working with groups in organizations to help them collectively work towards solutions to grow the capacity of their teams and organizations to succeed in a complex and ever changing environment!
Location: West Vancouver, BC, ca
Organization: The Consulting Edge
David Antolin
I'm a facilitation student, learning from groups how to deal with diversity and limits.
Location: Barcelona, , es
Organization: Elder Institute
David Villota
Senior trainer and professional facilitator at the Spanish Facilitation Institute since 2014. Over the past four years, He has been actively engaged with the Spanish transition network, the degrowth community, and the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB), where they worked as a consultant and facilitator for five years.
He has an extensive experience in diverse projects and organizations across Europe and Africa, spanning grassroots movements, local government, environmental NGOs, research groups, universities, cooperatives, and large corporations. His expertise encompasses various facilitation disciplines, including organizational systemic facilitation, process work, conflict resolution, Dragon Dreaming, Nonviolent Communication, Art of Hosting, and Visual Facilitation. Last year, He served as a guest lecturer in the Master Program for Political Ecology and hold a significant role as a senior consultant and facilitator in partnership with La Rioja University and the Pagoda Chair at Valencia University.
Location: Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Organization: Facil de Coop
David Sale
Natural and Human Systems Ecologist and facilitator of collaborative solutions for sustainability
Location: Bainbridge Island, WA, us
Organization: ECO Resource Group
David Supp-Montgomerie
Location: Squamish, BC, ca
Organization: Quest University Canada
David Plouffe
David is an award-winning facilitator and community development practitioner, who has also worked in cultural planning, informal education, and executive assistant the Director of Planning for the 3rd largest city in Canada. David uses his twenty years of creative and civic government experience to lead teams on how to engage citizens, employees, and customers so to make better decisions.
David was Engage Lead City of Calgary’s Cultural Transformation Project from August 2012- September 2014, helping the city’s administration define a Corporate Culture that can help build an organizational culture capable of fulfilling the one-hundred-year vision of imagineCalgary. As part of this work, David used the Groupwork cards to help consult with over 8000 city employees t – the largest employee consultation in the city’s history.
AWARDS using the cards
Facilitation Impact Awards - Platinum Award - International Association of Facilitators (IAF)
Organization of the Year - International Association For Public Participation (IAP2)
Organization: City of Calgary
Deborah Colo
Location: Pennsburg, PA, us
Deborah Hartmann Preuss
Bringing joy to the workplace. Coaching change artists to align action with passion, to effect bigger change in the world. Open Space Facilitator, Professional Co-Active Coach, serial instigator.
Organization: coaching for impact + joy
Deepak Saxena
deepak kumar
my name is deepak
vill-faltiya,post-jingoli toli,distt-almora.
no intrest
Denise van der Linden
Location: Hilversum, , nl
Devin Hedge
I love Lemmings and Tribbles
Diana Cawood
Dianne Brause
Hi! I have been involved in various types of groupwork for many years. This deck is a really exciting resource–which I hope to introduce to the Palestinian NGO, The Holy Land Trust where I am currently volunteering. They are teaching leadership, non-violence philosophy and "thinking outside the box" especially to Palestinian women. Very exciting!
Diego Brotons
Location: Donostia, Guipúzcoa, Spain
Dil Green
Pattern Language geek (studied with Chris Alexander, worked as an architect with A Pattern Language over many years).
Now doing digital things. Strong advocate for Pattern Languages as tools for getting to grips with all sorts of complex domains (human interaction is highly complex!).
Progressive Ethics Projects looks to take the idea of networks of patterns a stage further - to conceive of them as externalised structures for shared understanding - interactive tools which can be used to build networks of ideas and to support continuous engagement and refinement communities.
Location: London, UK, , gb
Organization: Project for a Progressive Ethics
DJ Kelly
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
DJ McLean
Senior HR Consultant - Recruiter - Coach - All-Round Connector
I coach business women (fellow inner-adventurers) who feel overwhelmed, lack focus or struggle with self-esteem. They get clearer & transition careers, midlife & spiritual expansion by choice. I also help businesses with HR, Change and Communications.
Align business life consciously with inner nature
Curious generalist, life-long-learner
20+ years business experience in IT, HR, Oil & Gas, Education, Retail, & Not-For-Profit
Creative, bright, problem solving attitude & business acumen
Strategic: identify commonalities & connections between disciplines, ideas, & people
Keen insight to simplify workflows
Intuitive, analytical, holistic & politically astute
Challenge & support with diplomacy and respect
Deeply interested in personality typing: Myers-Briggs; Enneagram; Marston Model; DISC; Insights; & Social Styles Indicator
Facilitate The Work of Byron Katie
•Since 2005 consultancy HR projects: career transition, policy review & writing; coaching managers; training & development; investigations & resolutions; compensation analysis; benefits; recruiting - IT Technical/Functional, accounting & sales.
• 7 years HR in IT Consulting: managing change through merger, acquisition & rebrand. Delivered on hiring strategies in partnership with multiple managers in five branches across Canada. Conducted client reviews of staff - 360° Review Process. Frontline on-boarding, HR, Benefits & career development coaching.
• 13 years Sales, Marketing, Fund-raising & Volunteer Management: Internal audit; strategic analysis; market research; donor retention strategies; business plans; targeted data collection plans; created inventory systems; statistical analysis of fund-raising campaigns; designed and wrote marketing collaterals.
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Dmitry Inshakov
Dolores Maria Rossman
It was through Sue Woerhlin, Professor, and Wonderful Person, at Antioch University Seattle, from whomI learned about this wonderful meeting facilitation tool. I will be using the cards to facilitate a new Spanish conversation group at a local retirement community to start up April 16, 2015. The group is for individuals who love the Spanish language, and have an affinity for the peoples/countries where Spanish is spoken, which, of course, includes the U.S.! I hope to facilitate lively and enjoyable conversations in Spanish where folks can feel relaxed, enthused and enjoy ownership in the way in which our group evolves. Thanks! so much for creating these cards. Mil gracias! ~ Dolores
Location: Seattle, WA, us
Dominique Causse
Interest in adaptive organization, complexity and agile
Donna Beattie
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Organization: City of Calgary
Donna Davis
Donna Mills
Donna Mills lives in the aesthetically stunning Pacific Northwest, specifically in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She is a woman committed to all things that elevate human consciousness. She is a practitioner of the healing arts, an advocate for civil conversations, and a community educator. Donna is the founder of HumanWell Integrative Healing and Wellness where she sees private clients healing through trauma and grief. On the community consulting side of HumanWell, Donna designs integrative workplace wellness programs for large and small businesses. The name HumanWell was created out of her unwavering need to know “How do we human well? We can see where we are missing the mark in society, but where and how are we getting it right?”
Donna is a certified caring economy advocate and partnership practitioner through Riane Eisler’s Center for Partnership Studies. She is a fierce advocate for a new narrative of economic justice that elevates our collective human wellness and ability to thrive. Donna is a social healing practitioner, a narrative disruptor, and a cultural change agent. She is here to invite society into a deeper conversation about civility and connectivity. She believes that, “and justice for all” means just that. For all.
Location: Coeur d'Alene, ID, us
donna luckey
I am a retired univ. professor and am currently participating in several communities/groups that have process and need more:
Pleasant Hill Co-Housing (very good process overall)
Diablo Valley Threshold Singers (a chapter of Threshold Choir; thresholdchoir.org)
Eco-Sattva training.
I am looking at ways to be more effective as a group leader/facilitator and use my skills to help us move toward a better balance within Gaia's systems.
My late husband, John Heider, wrote The Tao of Leadership and The Tao of Daily Living, and I learned a great deal from him.
Location: Pleasant Hill, CA, us
Organization: pleasant hill co-housing
Douglas McGregor
Group process enthusiast with fitness/health/dance/self-empowerment focus throughout my career as a physical therapist.
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Ed Swift
elan Bailey
elan Bailey (small e is intentional) works with mission-driven organizations to design, facilitate and coach leaders and teams to evoke transformational leadership, adaptive performance and breakthrough impach. elan is an inspired catalyst with a big vision, broad and integrated business experience and a deep understanding of how to bring out the best in people. She has a master's degree in Leadership and Organization Development and 12 years experience as a designer, facilitator and coach of transformational learning and people development programs.
Location: Vancouver, BC, ca
Organization: UpLevel People Partners
elan bailey
Facilitator of Integrative, Co-creative and Adaptive Solutions for Sustainable Enterprise
Elena López
Lawyer; Consultant; Team leader - facilitator.
Location: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Elisa Mongeluzzi
Location: Phoenix, AZ, us
Elizabeth Erkel
Elizabeth Burke
I'm a fan of the great group works deck... well done, team!
Ellen Bruckner
I am new to the Card Deck. My interactions are mostly with small church communities specifically in The Episcopal Church. I am really interested in increasing my facilitation skills. I am familiar with and use many techniques/tools from participatory leadership contexts.
Location: Cedar Rapids, IA, us
Elly G
Roles: Site Administrator, Developer
Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States
Elmi Bester
Eric Pianarosa
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Erin Frisch
Location: Lansing, MI, us
Organization: Michigan Office of Child Support
Esther Delbert
Eudes Martins
I work in group with Matrix of Mukara Meredith
Location: Rio de Janeiro, RJ, br
Organization: clinical psychologist
Location: Montréal, QC, ca
Organization: Y Facilitation Inc.
federico sanchez
Location: Buenos aires, B, ar
Organization: Gobiernos de la ciudad de buenos aires
Gayle Murdock
Geneviève Beninger
Geralyn Sparough
I am deeply interested in creating connections between people through the use of arts and conversation.
Location: Cincinnati, OH, us
Organization: Creative Retreat LLC
Giorgio Bertini
I find your work of great interest. I would like to follow it and learn.
Gregory Bayne
I am a patient advocate for ALL herbal, Plant, and nature-based nutrition/medical therapies. I am a proponent of the Golden Rule and the freedom of the law of Love.
I believe we need to take responsibility for Our own food-security, and I like to share.
Thanks for asking!
Location: Isle Of Palms, SC, us
Organization: Mista SC.org
Gregory Dahlin
I am an educator, and am actively involved in group work, both in my professional life as an educator, and in my personal life, through regular family council to men's work with the Mankind Project.
Location: Raleigh, NC, us
Organization: Montessori School of Raleigh
Hassan Ahmed
Location: Coquitlam, BC, ca
Heather Galbraith
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Heather Stadick
Organization: Allowing the Impossible
Heiner Benking
Helene Courchesne
Bilingual Independent Person Centered Planning Facilitator in the Ottawa region. Currently working on the Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project funded by MCSS of Ontario, for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.
Organization: Citizen Advocacy
Hemani Jayaswal
I work with individuals for amazing transformations to happen . They happen when they voluntarily come in touch with their being .
Humbled to be a part of this amazing journey
irismay mcginnis
Location: berkeley, CA, us
Organization: Communities United in Defense of Olmstead(CUIDO)
Jack Goodwin
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Jacob Erlich
Location: Ota-ku, Tokyo, , jp
James Wiegel
I was at Bowling Green for that gathering back in 2006, have been lurking ever since!
Organization: Partners in Participation LLC
Jan Lelie
Friend of facilitators, autonomous facilitator, involved in innovation, change and emergence. Worked for over 25 years as a catalyst of processes. I
Location: The Hague, , nl
Jane Lewis
I don't know who I am but I do like to experiment, observe truth and see the huge beauty and possibility in most any situation. It's pretty clear to me that collective knowledge-building is a beautiful thing and that so many things where people think: "I can't" can easily be turned to "we can." I coach and facilitate and I guess my picture of an ideal life would be having one Co-Sensing Style Action Learning Coaching session a day or Dynamic Stillness Craniosacral or a Piano Portrait (where the piano is a voice in the dialogue). I'm constantly seeing the possibility that our medicine just might come from our loves and our passions. It might just be that simple. I'd like to share that little secret with others, directly, through experience.
Janet Gillman
Janet Gillaspie
Location: Portland, OR, us
janit doyle
I am a mom, partner, sister, daughter, learner, facilitator, window maker, reader, picture taker (not a photographer :D), I was introduced to your cards through Chris Corrigan and promptly purchased the deck. Thank you to everyone involved I am excited to begin using them!
Location: Cultus Lake, BC, ca
Jason Miler
Location: Saint Cloud, FL, us
Javier de Vicente
Location: Benicassim, CL, es
Organization: climate KIC
Jaye Milne
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Jeffrey Stookey
Jennifer Frenzer
Jennifer Banks-Doll
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Jennifer Gates
Years of experience as a co-houser, and with policy governance, and with other smallish egalitarian groups.
Jennifer Ackerley
Location: Seattle, WA, us
Organization: Bricoleur Collective
Jérémie Schaeli
I strive to serve the not for profit sector through group facilitation in the french-speaking part of Switzerland.
Don't forget to get in touch with me if you're in the area!
Location: Lausanne, VD, ch
Organization: tarifdeGROUPE
Jessica Land
Organization: Spencer's Butte Challenge Course, Eugene, Oregon
Jessie Conover
Jim Leming
I am a Senior Managing Partner, OD consultant and executive coach, with the Global Coaching Alliance LLC. I am active in the Philadelphia Region Organization Development Network, where I was introduced to the Group Work cards.
Location: Swarthmore, PA, us
Organization: Global Coaching Alliance LLC
Jim Karpe
Jim Karpe is the father of two young adults with developmental disabilities. His daughter currently attends a community college, and his son works in Central Park as a volunteer grounds-keeper. Jim works in IT as a manager of technical teams, and as an Agile Strategist and Coach. As a volunteer, he runs the special needs division of West Side Soccer League, is parent co-chair of the Queens Council on Developmental Disabilities, and is on the Steering Committee of NYC FAIR.
Location: New York, NY, us
Jim Best
Enthusiastic pattern language advocate in general. What are the mechanisms that take us from the individual to collective intelligence?
Co-organizer of the Bay Area Liberating Structures Community of Practice. Past Life: Enterprise Architect, Healthcare IT (xKaiser Permanente).
Academic interests: How do containers enable transformation? Using social network analysis to get at the mechanisms of complex adaptive systems.
Location: berkeley, CA, us
Organization: Saybrook University Organizational Systems PhD Program (student)
Jocelyne Hamel
I have been in the non-profit world for over 30 years, and have been the the executive director of Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House for over 10 years. Our work is community-based, and we provide services through an asset-based lens. In my role, I am involved in various community engagement activities. My educational background includes an undergraduate in Business, an MA in Leadership, and a certificate in Dialogue and Civic Engagement.
Location: Vancouver, BC, ca
Organization: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House (Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC)
jock boyd
Location: sydney, NSW, au
Organization: Clear Communication
jodi engelberg
I came to this work later in life and knew immediately that I had found my home. Everything that I had done before had prepared me to facilitate critical collaborative conversations. I started at Vanderbilt University working with Matt Taylor at a center dedicated to healthcare reform using the medical center as a test-bed. It was divine! And, we co-created electronic medical record, on-line physician ordering and much more. I moved to Switzerland after that and was the co-founder/founding President of The Value Web, a social business/association for ~ 35 practitioners who come together to change the way decisions are made in important gatherings. I love the cards. I am hungry for a broader group of players. Thank you for creating them!
Organization: The Value Web
John Kelly
I had a small role in the initial stages of the group pattern language project.
John Sechrest
I support and facilitate Startups to move forward.
Organization: Seattle Angel Conference
John Lydon
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
John Inman
Dr. John Inman brings a Northwest sensibility to his work. He believes in people and the wisdom they bring to conversations. Through his guidance, educators, public officials, and organization managers begin to let loose of expert practices based on telling and develop conversational practices that bring out the best in others.
Organization: John Inman Dialogue
natrualist ranger with interest in facilitation of healthy group practices regarding response to human overshoot and bioshere decline collapse. 35 plus years of participation in mens groups, living in process groups, peer to peer recovery groups, co-op's.
Location: Boulder, CO, us
Jori Baum
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Organization: Green Calgary
Jose Gordin
Location: Montevideo, MO, uy
Joseph Herbert
Advocate of NVC; and of Dynamic Governance (a.k.a. "Consensus 2.0") -- like Consensus, but scalable, to work in large organizations (as well as small).
Location: Portland, OR, us
Judy Kidd
Currently I am a Masters of Social Work student at Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA, USA. The masters project I will be working on next year is to help local (rural) nonprofits discern their challenges and develop strategies that will work for their agency and will meet those challenges. My intention is to use action research, include myself in the group of participants and pull from all the knowledge and experiences of staff, volunteers, and directors of a local nonprofit.
Julia Sebastian
Julian Cohen
Location: Windsor, CA, us
Organization: Living Guild
julie strutt
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Julie Espinoza
kaeley wiseman
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Kaliya, Identity Woman
I design and facilitate Undonfereces
Kamil Pachalko
Location: Southend on Sea, ESS, gb
Organization: Southend in Transition
Karen Dawson
Excited to play with these cards and learn!
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Organization: Create Now Inc. & The Deeper Funner Change Project
Karen Hochberg
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, us
Karen Christiaens
Kat Sprout
PhD Student in Global & Sociocultural Studies at Mt. San Antonio College. Interests include Materiality, Technology program, Computer science, Religion, and Museology. My research interests vary between Materiality, Religion, and Museology. I find ex-votos and other forms of devotional offerings fascinating, particularly as the topic has few boundaries (we find offerings across a wide scope of time and space). I also focus on museums, objects, and displays from a curatorial perspective as well as through theoretical interpretations of narrative and display.
Location: Los Angeles, CA, us
Organization: Mt. San Antonio College
Kate O'Brian
kate potter
Hi, This is Kate. I like to do social service. That's why I'm here
Kathryn Maly
Katie Behel
Katin Imes
Hobby linguist and student of philosophy; explorer; software guy.
Kavana Tree Bressen
Roles: Site Administrator, Core Group, Ambassador / Steward
I have been blessed for many years with a calling supporting groups to function well, which is fulfilled through teaching, facilitation, and organizational design. I work primarily with groups in my geographic region. I founded the Group Pattern Language Project in 2008, and since publication in 2011 have been joyfully watching it make its way around the world. I think the most powerful implementation of the Group Works deck happens when organizations integrate it into their day-to-day operations and culture. As of this writing (early 2017), i am passionate about possibilities arising from Laloux's insights into "teal" organizations, and am actively seeking colleagues and playmates in that realm.
Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States
Keala Young
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
A. Keala Young
Keala is a permaculture teacher, mentor, consultant and whole systems designer with a foundation in yoga and the healing arts. His rich study of permaculture and ecovillage design includes certificate programs from Findhorn Foundation to Esalen Institute as well as full-time engagement co-founding Atlan A Living and Learning Center near the Columbia River Gorge in Central Cascadia. A life-long learner he is currently completing the documentation for his Permaculture Diploma with a focus on Ecovillage Design and Education with an emphasis on educational implementation.
Keith Brown
Organization: Network For a New Culture
Kelly Merx
Location: Nanaimo, BC, ca
Ken Howard
Church Planter, Pastor, Presenter, Consultant, Author: "Paradoxy: Creating Christian Community Beyond Us and Them"
Ken Cameron
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Kenoli Oleari
Kenyon Acton
Kiana Harlan
Krishna Singh Khalsa
This is the dawning of a pivotal time for the evolution of humanity for all time, going forward.
Location: Espanola, NM, us
Organization: Siblings of Destiny / LifeBoat Foods
Kristine Nielsen
I'm a Learning Developer with the BC Government. I just attended a class with Dan Doherty and we are requested to make a contribution of a Group works card map. I've tried already to register but never received confirmation. Dan says it should only take a day so I'm sending my request again. Thank you,
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Kulari Lokuge
Lani Beer
I facilitate people, teams and organisations in problem solving using collaborative methods like agile, lean and design thinking. Most of us have challenges or opportunities they are trying to navigate.
Location: Melbourne, VIC, au
Lara Tierney
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
latisha adam
Laura Fitzpatrick
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Laura Malone
Location: OAKLAND, CA, us
Laurence Schechtman
Laurie McCann
leah green
Actually, I know Sue W. from years back when I taught in the MA Psych program at Antioch. I'm now living @ Daybreak and would love to experience your work.
Location: Portland, OR, us
lenore Miller
I am a recent graduate of Seattle University's Organization Systems Renewal masters program (now a program under Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI). Previously I retired from a 30 year public service career. Today I am seeking a vocation where I can help co-create adaptive cultures in human systems.
My work includes fostering dialogue so that groups can create shared meaning and purpose and make positive change in the world.
Location: Olympia, WA, us
Leon Janssen
Groupies supporter and ambassador... Event producer and cross pollinator...
Location: Portland, OR, us
Leslie Liszak
Retired director of an addiction treatment agency
Location: Richmond, IN, us
Leslie Adams
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Letitia Elizabeth
Location: Marietta, GA, us
Lindsay McDonald
A champion of Liberating Structures (because it is easy for people to learn how to use them themselves), I think the best ideas, things and relationships often come in "the side door". You gotta to keep those side doors open! For me, this means making room for curiosity, creativity and conversations: creating/holding the space for those unexpected connections where magic can happen.
Lisa Sture
I have worked as a Management Development Consultant, Team Development Facilitator, and Personal Development Tutor and have an MSc in Human Resource Development. Subsequently, I have Chaired Community environmental organisations and facilitated community events. In recent years I have been teaching my own courses, in person and online.
Location: Meifod, POW, gb
Lisa Barton
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Lisa Kimball
I've been working with a portfolio of methods called "liberating structures" to build capacity for everyone to use high engagement methods day-to-day.
Location: Washington, DC, us
Lisa-Marie DiVincent
Organization: Empathy Cafe
Litany DeShincoe
I am an aspiring peace practitioner currently working towards my Master's degree in Conflict and Dispute Resolution at the University of Oregon. I completed my undergraduate studies in meaning centered cultural anthropology at the University of Oregon. I am currently interning in a Courageous Conversations based curriculum at Churchill High School looking at race, privilege and gender, while also pursuing studies in facilitation of difficult conversations, strategic peace-building, structural violence, transitional justice and social justice in education.
Lizanne Foster
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Organization: Surrey Teachers' Association
Lonnie Weiss
I am a Certified Professional Facilitator and co-author of Building United Judgment, a Handbook for Consensus Decision Making, circa 1980. I primarily work with multidisciplinary groups when agreement matters. I teach how to design and facilitate meetings. I am based in Philadelphia.
Organization: Weiss Consulting, LLC
Looby Macnamara
Lorna Reid
Organization: ACCORD Hospice
Luann Barndt
Luann Barndt, EdD PCC
Axiom Quest LLC | Exploring Embodying Enacting - Embody Life Fully! |
Master Somatic/Embodiment Leadership Coach/Trainer
Location: Alexandria, VA, us
Organization: Axiom Quest
Lucas Cioffi
Software developer and civic entrepreneur. Iraq War veteran.
Location: Charlottesville, VA, us
Organization: QiqoChat Inc
Lynda Moe
I inspire and facilitate individuals, teams, groups and organizations to develop and unleash their positive potential. I assist them to enhance their capability, performance and agility (change, thinking, communication & leadership) and help them to shift mindsets in order to be the best that they can be. By becoming more resilient on all levels clients are able to navigate into the future with greater ease. I've worked with all types of people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. To establish rapport quickly and easily I use leading edge techniques, collaborative solution focused strength based approaches, innovative problem solving processes and robust communication skills alongside Process Based Facilitation and Executive/Leadership Coaching. I also assist clients to engage their stakeholders in the co-creation &/or problem solving process and help them to positively manage and gain buy-in for innovation and change.
I invite you to join me on Linkedin: nz.linkedin.com/in/lyndamoe
Location: Auckland, AUK, nz
Organization: Lynda Moe Transformations Limited
Lynda Kahn
I am enlivened and energized by contributing to building relationships and community that are based in the realization that there is no one whose contribution we do not need.
Location: Toronto, ON, ca
Organization: Inclusion Press
Lysbeth Borie
Maggie Taylor
Hi I'm Maggie Taylor from Brisbane, Australia. I am a visual artist, and a member of an international meditation group where I am a student & volunteer facilitator.
I came across the Groupworks website by chance and discovered the Groupworks cards which I have ordered. I am looking forward to studying the cards and exploring how the process works. From what I have read so far I think they could be very beneficial to our organisation.
Location: Brisbane, QLD, au
Marc Alt
Marcia Fein
Mari Sakai
Organization: Resonant Sign
Maria Carolina Pelaez
I am a Master´s student in Human Systems Intervention at Concordia University (Montreal), with a passion for working with groups to help them discover their strengths and challenges, finding better ways of working together to achieve goals and learn.
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Organization: Concordia University
Maria Fernanda Arraes
Location: Bobo Dioulasso, , bf
Marianna Monaco
Mark Johnson
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Marti Alger
As a learning strategist in the post-secondary education sector, I am interested in communication, personal growth, and positive psychology.
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Organization: Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Martin Williams
Organization: Singaporean American School
Martin Roell
Mary Forst
Long time facilitator, mediator, and trainer, and appreciator of the original Pattern Language, so I'm delighted with the work you've done!
Location: Portland, OR, us
Organization: Confluence Center for Mediation & Training
Megan Tolbert
Roles: Core Group
Location: Eugene, Oregon, United States
Melanie Rios
I'm a community cultivator and permaculture teacher, currently immersion offering coaching in conflict resolution and dynamic governance to a co-housing ecovillage in Portland.
Melissa Bailey-Kirk
Location: Milton, Florida, United States
Michael Briand
Michael Wolf
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
Michele Anderson
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Organization: Government of Canada
Michele Mills
Location: Glenbrook, NSW, au
Michele Anderson
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Michelle Pitman
Full-time student studying Librarianship & Corporate Information Management with Open Universities Australia
Michelle Jarosinski
Location: Gilbert, AZ, us
Organization: maricopa county head start
Mihaela Yeung
Mimi Vanderheide
Location: Fort St. John, , ca
Organization: Peace Country Coaching
Monique Nesset
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Murali Padmanabhan
Dr. Murali brings with him a wealth of experience in adult development. In his two decades of experience in corporates, he has learnt the nuances of developing individuals. Murali brings with him an uncanny enthusiasm to help professionals to live their dreams and aspirations in organizations.
Murali believes that it is possible for individuals to maximize their full potential with adequate support.
He holds a PCC (ICF) and is an organization development facilitator (NTL), with a Ph.D. in Mathematics. Murali is certified SEI EQ, Assessor Hogan Assessments, Harrison Assessments and Transformative Alignment Mapper, He is also a team coach and Integral facilitator
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Nancy Ryder
Nancy White
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
Organization: Full Circle
Nancy Seibel
I'm a life coach drawing upon my 30+ years of experience in nonprofit child and family services to coach human service professionals at transition points in life and career. This involves both individual and group work. I also provide early childhood consultation and coaching, facilitating meetings, training, and writing on topics related to infants, toddlers and their families. I'm a masters-degreed Nationally Certified Counselor, a Board Certified Coach, an avid though not very fast bicyclist and a lover of creative approaches to thinking, working and living.
Location: Catonsville, MD, us
Organization: Keys to Change, LLC
Nancy Highness
Nancy Hess
I will partner with you to build high engagement workplaces that reflect integrity and an awareness of the value of people and their experience of work.
As an HR Strategist and consultant to organizations, I facilitate dialogues about how work "gets done around here". Curiosity about how to help leaders connect people to the core purpose drives my business focus. My goal is to help organizations design and implement change strategies that value engagement and whole system approaches to work and community.
Location: Hummelstown, PA, us
Organization: NJ Hess Associates
Nancy Seibel
Coach and consultant working with busy human service professionals and small business owners. Special interest in preventing burnout, relationship-based and reflective practice, infant mental health, positive psychology and well-being.
Location: Catonsville, MD, us
Organization: Keys to Change, LLC
natalie brenson
I am a community front line worker who is working in collaboration with many service providers in the community. I am totally hooked on the Art of Hosting and the Harvesting.
Location: New Glasgow, NS, ca
Organization: Public Health Services
Nataly Marchuk
Location: Sacramento, CA, us
Organization: Dubrava Ecovillage
Nicole Bienfang
I am an entrepreneur, interdisciplinary thinker, attention economist, activist advocate, inventor, consultant, social artist, cultural creative & social architect. I've dedicated my life to increasing the impact social change makers have on society. Both my life and professional experiences have afforded me the opportunity to gain the insight of how a sense of community can be formed anywhere in various ways. With that knowledge I strive to help globally shift the current paradigm we all live in to a new one that benefits us all, as well as the planet. I'm often found building bridges between niche groups of social change movements, and helping translate between thought leaders found within them. My solution-centered thinking,tenacious and straightford style has garnered respect internationally having many people seek me out for counsel and mentorship. Seeing that there was a significant need for information and instruction regarding founding and starting social good type programming, movements, and intentional communities I took part in the development of The Transition (www.thetransition.org) creating a hub where like-minded proactive people could unify their good work efforts and exchange experiences from the trenches. I'm a research driven, lifelong learner, who uses that knowledge to build stronger relationships among communities and with individuals from around the world. You can find me online at: http://www.facebook.com/nicole.bienfang
Location: Cedar Creek, TX, us
Organization: The Transition
Nikki Sachs
Nitul Ojha
Location: Thane West, MH, in
Organization: Winnng Edge
Olin Elliott
Location: Seattle, WA, us
Opalyn Brenger
Pamela Taylor
Advocates for socially just education for all.
Location: Seattle, WA, us
Organization: Washington Educators for Social Justice
Pamela McLean
Originally I came across pattern language (online) through Doug Schuler. I was taught more (online) by Helmut Leitner, and then via F2F session at London Knowledge Lab led by Yishay Mor. When Yishay was preparing to co-edit a pattern language book (related to an area of education I knew about) he sent out a call for contributions saying the contributors would be shepherded regarding the pattern language side of things. This was how I learned more. I am interested in how pattern language can help me (and people in my networks) to share insights with each other despite coming from very different areas of interest.
Pat molla
Graphic recorder, teacher, visual thinker, español
Organization: Ideas Dibujadas
Pat McGinnity
Patricia Millar
Life Coach, Group Process Facilitator
Patricia Neal
Heartland Network Community & Conscious Business Alliance
Location: Minneapolis, MN, us
Organization: Heartland Inc.
Paul Bland
Training Manager for challenge course vendor.
Location: Raymond, WA, us
Organization: Signature Training
Paul Courtney
At this point in my life I work in Boston in an academic medical center doing business process analysis, for want of a description. I think in systems and when I learn about something I need to find a way to learn it from both outside in and inside out. In my work I am very interested in understanding how interpersonal and organizational factors, workflow processes, and software systems align ( or not! ) to support a larger vision of the organization. In my non-work time I walk with my dogs and my wife, talk abstract and landscape photographs, do small home improvement projects and am getting more involved in the "maker" community.
Location: Lebanon, NH, us
Paul Nunesdea
Paul Nunesdea is the English author name of Paulo Nunes de Abreu, author and publisher of Architecting Collaboration, a book series about group facilitation.
Paul has specialized in creating and nurturing communities of practice, namely in the education and healthcare sectors in Portugal and Spain, where he designs interventions to optimize change within regional and national governments.
Location: Villafranca del Castillo, MD, es
Paul Hilt
Location: St. Davids, PA, us
Organization: Hilt & Associates
Paul Hodgetts
I'm a team lean/agile coach and trainer based in Orange County, CA.
Paula Hannan
Pennie O’Grady
Location: Seattle, Washington, United States
Peter Crossen
Phat Tran
Phil Metzler
Phil applies his engineering and consulting backgrounds to help build relationships and facilitate change for community initiatives. His focus is applying systems thinking and mapping techniques to increase community resilience. Areas of work include asset mapping, local food systems, local economies, ecological literacy, and worldview transitions.
Organization: Community Resilience Guild
Phil Mastrocola
Philippe ANTOINE
I'm work in a company as an internal coach and interrested in sharing the way to have group producing the best results they can have.
Moreover, I work regularly within a church with small groups.
Location: Villeneuve-la-Garenne, , fr
Prashant Durgam
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Organization: Infinity Learning Solutions
Quince Affolter
My background is mental health counseling and I recognize the power of groups in helping people grow and heal. I provide workshops and trainings in group facilitation in the Portland area. I'm always interested in new models and new ideas for facilitation.
Location: Portland, OR, us
Organization: Quince Affolter Consulting
Quinn McHugh
Project manager interested in participatory democracy
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Rachel Lyn Rumson
Consultant: Learning systems facilitator, program director for Cooperative Design Lab, permaculture design and education, lover of participatory leadership engagement, systems thinking, action research...homesteading
Location: New Gloucester, , us
Organization: Royal River Permaculture
Raines Cohen
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
Community Organizer and Cohousing Coach, co-creating Cohousing California and East Bay Cohousing, building on the deck to create Cohousing Cards, selections with additional guidance specific for these intentional neighborhoods. I love to visit places and do workshops with the cards and help people think about them in new ways (including just figuring out what to do with the cards). As of early 2019, I believe I've done the most reselling of decks, bringing them to conferences and communities in the course of my travels. I'm planning on doing some conference calls and webinars to explore applications of the cards.
Organization: Cohousing California
Randi Fiat
Randy Kennett
Rebecca Attwood
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Reinhard Kuchenmueller
I am a German Visual Facilitator, living in Italy, and know Alexander's Pattern Language since ages. I am interested if we could do something together.
Renee Hobbs
Renee Wentland
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Organization: Ministry of Education
Reto Stern
A coming permaculture Designer...
Rhonda Baird
Location: Bloomington, IN, us
Ria Baeck
Location: Kortenaken, , be
Ricardo Valderrama
Can i use the cards in a workshop ?
In some weeks i will have a workshop about groups process and your cards would be very usefull
Location: Leon, León, Spain
Richard Moore
Organization: independent
Richard Burg
Location: Healdsburg, CA, us
Organization: Simple Idea
richard linsenberg
Rick Lent
My work focuses on helping leaders improve the structure of everyday meetings. See www.meetingforresults.com for more.
Organization: Meeting for Results
Robert Gilman
Rodolfo Caballero
Soy profesor de religión de adolescentes en Panamá. Combino mi práctica de Orientación Familiar y Coaching Integral. Me encanta su labor. Me va a ayudar mucho.
Ron Barnhart
I am a family life coach and trainer for family entrepreneurs. My coaching is based on thought mastery using thinking strategies and systems. I help parents provide a new learning environment for their kids, for themselves, and for their business.
Location: Havelock, NC, us
Organization: Thought Mastery Academy
Ron Dean
A blue collar family guy . A very concerned citizen .
Location: St Leonards, VIC, au
Ronaye Matthew
Rose Gordon
I live on 8 acres of pinon, juniper and sage on a mesa in Taos New Mexico, a landscaped shared with me by small groups of deer, coyotes, birds, rabbits and an occasional bobcat. My relationship with this land for the past 38 years has informed, inspired and sustained me.
I was originally trained as a Council Process facilitator at a Zen Center, and used Council process with professionals and community members in an 8 day Compassionate End of Life Care program. I also co-directed a prison project and regularly spent time with women in jail and in prison. More recently I spent 14 years facilitating Restorative Justice for juveniles and their affected community and currently train others in New Mexico to implement RJ with juveniles. I was the Restorative Justice Resource person for the IIPS Peace and Conflict resolution 3 week training for 34 young professionals from 17 countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Lebanon, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and Miramar, which was held in Thailand in 2012. I am the the Spiritual Care and Bereavement Provider and the Manger and trainer for Hospice Volunteers at Mtn Home Health in Taos, New Mexico and volunteered at a hospice in Rishikesh, India in 2016. I love the opportunity to exchange ideas, skills and insights with diverse populations and seek out and incorporate new ways to create interactive learning and sharing situations, because their is so much wisdom in the world. The Group Works deck and approach seems adaptable to so many group settings I find myself in.
Location: Arroyo Hondo, NM, us
Sally Howard
Sanford Hinden
I provide community and global development programs and projects, facilitating consciousness raising and creative collaboration, to help people families, communities and nature.
Location: Huntington Station, NY, us
Sarah Armstrong
Sarah Banach
Sean Culman
Seán Conlan
Living in rural Ireland, but connected to the world. Contacts and involvement in transforming society mostly in Europe.
Location: Dromahair, , ie
Serena Shane
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Shannon Silva
My name is Shannon and I am a Training Specialist at Google (powered by Adecco). I love facilitating groups and I'm excited to learn more about these group process patterns so I can use them when I facilitate workshops.
Location: Campbell, CA, us
Organization: Unstoppable Women of Silicon Valley
Sharon Moon
Mediator, Facilitator Alternatives to Violence Project, Dynamic Facilitation, Strengthening Multi-Ethnic Families and Communities
Organization: Dispute Resolution Center of King County
Sheika Kolias
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Sheldon Schwitek
Location: KALAMAZOO, MI, us
Organization: Bee Snug Honey
Sian Ramsden
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Sidney Courtice
Location: Calgary, AB, ca
Simon d'Orsogna
I am a group facilitator and certified coach. I live in Melbourne, on the south-east coast of Australia. I am very interested (excited really) about how we construct our reality and how we hold our selves and our perceptions in place by non-verbal, non-cognitive, assumptive patterns and schemas. There seem to be complementary sets of dynamics including safety-reactivity-attachment alongside expansion-creativity-emergence. Maybe we can only know about them by pausing-doing-reflecting-iterating-not knowing... in some right-seeming jumble that orders itself and us.
Siona van Dijk
Siona Francesca van Dijk • Founder & Guide. MA, Transpersonal Psychology. MA, Jungian & Archetypal Studies. // To live is to be slowly born.
* * *
Tender-hearted. Easily delighted. Monastic by nature. Intersectional. Plural. Other. I practice slow living and aspire to be a good animal, holding the vision of a softer and gentler world.
Grateful, and honored, to be here.
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Organization: The Subtle Center
Siona Van Dijk
Sophie Zuang
working as a consultant for the Centre of ecological learning (CELL), the transition hub for Luxembourg and for the University of Luxembourg
Stacia Leech
Stefan Morales
I am a lifelong learner, and I do my best to share my learning with others and create the conditions for learning within the groups, systems, and communities I connect with. I practice this in a lot of different ways, and I fail in a lot of different ways too.
Today I am excited about taking my learning in more challenging directions for me: like applied math in the form of programming, data science, and more scientific areas like carbon capture, etc. I want to see if there's a way that I can connect everything I've learned so far as a social scientist, political theorist, facilitator, process designer, digital marketer, etc. with these more robust ways to understand and operate with reality, so as to help us address the extremely serious challenges we collectively face. I'm interested in the intersection of group work in this combined space of group practice, digital tech, science, and complexity, and I'd be open to exploring connections with anyone who is also working in this way at the edge of the future.
More about me, specifically, here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefan-morales-a336ab10/ and more about one of my key projects here: httpe://www.togetherworking.com/about. Soon I will also share a co-op I am in the process of developing amongst other consultants. Stay tuned!
Organization: Working Together
Stephanie Kozick
Location: Olympia, WA, us
Organization: The Evergreen State College
Stephanie Ellis
Stephanie Jo Kent
I seem, in most activist-oriented groups, to mainly be a free radical.
Location: Amherst, MA, us
Organization: Learning Lab for Resiliency
steven mentor
Hi! I"m a long time facilitator, live in cohousing in Santa Cruz, and am hoping to use the cards at an Esalen retreat this weekend! Also I have a friend who is very interested in using the cards for her business retreat.
Location: santa cruz, CA, us
Organization: Evergreen Valley College
Retired master facilitator, group process designer, organizational consultant. Now currently focused on male-female issues, "gender politics", sexuality and relationship dynamics. (Integration of evolutionary psychology/biology and contemporary relationship issues.)
Steven Mak
Sue Woehrlin
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
My passion is designing, facilitating and teaching about participatory processes for learning and change, whether organizatiionally-based or community driven. My anchor job is as a faculty member at Antioch University Seattle, where I teach mid-career adult learners. I also offer independent training and consultation to those interested in developing more collaborative approaches in their work, most especially the patterns in Group Works! My general approach is to nurture self-organizing, organic and emergent processes that embed greater authority with those at the grassroots level.
Location: Seattle, Washington, United States
Organization: Antioch University Seattle, Group Pattern Language Project
Sunil Chopra
Myself Dr. Sunil Chopra, I am the Clinical Director and Founder of the London Dermatology Clinic located on Wimpole Street in central London.
I had my training at University College London as an undergraduate and did my medical training at University College London and Chase Farms Hospital. I also did one year training in chest medicine at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.
I did two years full time research studying the blood and nerve supply of skin and has written three major international postgraduate texts. Facial pigmentation, acne scarring and I am an expert at treating the signs of ageing.
Organization: London Dermatology Centre
Susan Hasty
I'm utterly fascinated by how our language structures possibilities for creating the future and love facilitating inspiring conversations. My training includes coaching, NLP, Structural Consulting (Robert Fritz, Inc) Clean language,Clean Interviewing and Platform Design Facilitation. I'm excited to discover this group as I have a great appreciation for "open source" collaborations that make the world a better place. Please reach out to me if you'd like to discuss an alliance, share resources or a cup of coffee on zoom or if you are in or just visiting the RTP North Carolina USA area!
Location: Raleigh, NC, us
Organization: 360 Profit Masters
Susan Davenport
Location: Buckeye, AZ, us
Organization: Sun City Festival
Susan McFee
Susan Cunha
dancer, curator, urban gardener, construction contract & proposals professional, strategist, writer and wannabe community manager
Location: Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, ca
Susana Ochi
I am volunteer at InterChange, a non-profit organization, based in Toronto with international chapters around the world. Founded by Prof. Anne Goodman, OISE - University of Toronto, InterChange aims for bridging knowledge and practice in supporting peacebuilders.
Location: Toronto, ON, ca
Organization: InterChange
Susana Guardado
A process facilitator working in the non-profit field in the areas of homelessness, violence prevention, youth voice, and project management.
Location: Victoria, BC, ca
Organization: Bright Light Ideas
Susanna Haas Lyons
Location: Fort Langley, BC, ca
Susannah Morcowitz
Location: Durban, , South Africa
Susie Surtees
Tabitha McLaughlin
Location: Agassiz, BC, ca
Organization: Fraser Health
tammi dallaston
UK based permaculture teacher, particularly interested in diversity, inclusion, justice, accessibility and equality. Trustee at Permaculture Association (Britain) and lead co-ordinator at Field Families CIC.
Location: Machynlleth, Powys, United Kingdom
Organization: Field families
Tanya Aziere
Tara Bredesen
Tavis Carter
I am a Black African/American Male Addictions Professional and Adjunct Professor. I am currently crafting a "Town Hall" on Racial Injustice in our Community at my workplace with the consideration of our Human Services Organization's CEO.
Ted Newcomb
Happily retired grandfather with two grandchildren, living in Phoenix. Partner with EnliveningEdge. Interested in PLN's, Knowledge Gardens, collaboration and cooperation, life-long learning. Trying to be a good digital citizen and keep up with the times.
Location: Phoenix, AZ, us
Organization: EnliveningEdge
Teri Ciacchi
Thea Levkovitz
Organization: Washington State Department of Ecology
Thom Chittom
I work as a software tester for Ramsey Solutions in Brentwood, TN. I am fascinated by the creation and use of pattern languages to encode, democratize, and teach practices.
Location: Hendersonville, TN, us
Thorbjørn Mann
Location: Tallahassee, FL, us
Till Schümmer
Organization: FernUniversität in Hagen
Tim Foelker
Tim Pearson
Tim Pearson is a Professional Coach with Pearson Consulting in Anchorage.
A field manager in a remote camp in Alaska once described him as a combination of “Tibetan monk and lion tamer."
Tim has worked for the past 30 years with Alaska, U.S. and German executives, managers, and business owners who face major challenges such as safety initiatives, new market development, acquisitions, company transitions, turnarounds, career moves, and sensitive people issues.
He holds a Master in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Tim grew up 150 miles south of the Arctic Circle and 100 miles east of Siberia in the Inupiat village of Teller on the Bering Straits.
Location: Anchorage, AK, us
Organization: Pearson Consulting
Tim Bonnemann
I'm the founder and CEO of Intellitics, a digital engagement startup based in San José, CA. We help organizations apply technology to engage their communities in high-quality dialogue and other participatory processes.
Location: San José, CA, us
Organization: Intellitics, Inc.
Toby Ayers
Director of nonprofit RICJ; community psychologist. RICJ fights prejudice and racism by building understanding and mutual respect between all races, cultures and religions. I'm working on using pattern languages to help bring people together across differences.
Location: Providence, RI, us
Organization: Rhode Island for Community & Justice
Toine Fennis
My mission: to connect, heal and inspire
I connect systems, people and information toward a sustainable vital society.
Location: Hoogezand, GR, nl
Organization: Savitar Metagroup
tom land
Location: Vashon Island, WA, us
Tom Atlee
Roles: Ambassador / Steward
I explore, envision, network and write about collective and holistic intelligence and wisdom at all levels, especially in democratic and network governance. I am currently working on a pattern language for wise democracy, which will be a cousin to the GroupWorks pattern language deck.
Organization: Co-Intelligence Institute
Trista Hill
I am a doctoral student and K-12 teacher. I had the privilege of being a participant in a workshop which used Group Works cards a zillion years ago and now have the opportunity to use my deck myself!
Universal Simplexity
Upgeya Pew
Location: Vancouver, WA, us
Vanessa Westley
Location: Chicago, IL, us
Organization: H2S Consulting
Vasko Drogriski
Member of a community based bushfire mitigation group
Location: Daylesford, VIC, au
Vera Berard
Location: North Vancouver, BC, ca
Organization: Midwifery Care North Shorw
Veronika Wieland
I am a Certified Professional Facilitaotr by IAF in Hungary. I'm teaching facilitators in our Qualified Faciltator program. We are distributors on traning and workshop tools in our webshop wwieland.hu.
Organization: Wieland es Wieland Ltd.
Vic Desotelle
Location: St. Paul, MN, us
Organization: Discovery Colabs
Vicenç Rul·lan
School psychologist and mediator. Interested in Restorative Justce and Restorative Practices.
I would like to receive some support from the group in order to learn ways to use the cards
Location: Palma de Mallorca, IB, es
Organization: Asociacio de Justicia i Practica Restaurativa Illes Balears
Vine Acorn
Roles: Site Administrator
Vinícius Miranda
Location: São Paulo, SP, br
Viveik Saigal
In Hong Kong, trying to figure out life...
Vivien Sharples
Werner Danda
I was an active supplier in the OEM and Industry Business and developped different fastening solutions in the production process of these companies. Our new products required a high understandig of the customer's needs and potential benefits. This comes from efficient group work between supplier and customer, high trust and open mind.
The same I experienced in the different market entrance tasks in many countries with our organization. International project management in medical equipment devices needs to have also collective wisdom.of all participants for succesful completion on both sides.
Today I`m retired and still active in creating a partizipatory leadership in complex environment and in conflict resolution as a official certified mediator and a AoH practicioner,
I'm interested to take advantage from your high level experience in partizipatory group works and I would like to apply this valuable deck and cards. I'm applying the german language version in my workshops to strengthen the selfconfidence of the participants. In talking about the selected patterns we show the importance of their personal contributions in developping the required topics of the workshop, meeting.
Location: Handenberg, OOS, at
Organization: Wirtschaftsbalance
Wesley Lucas
Roles: Core Group, Ambassador / Steward
I'm a gradate student at the University of Oregon, studying conflict resolution and nonprofit management. In early 2015, I served as an intern for Group Works, and have been finding ways to integrate the deck into my work with nonprofits and youth programs.
Organization: University of Oregon
Will Westerfield
I have done management consulting for not-for-profit organizations since 1997. I am always looking at ways to improve services to my clients!
Location: Midland, MI, us
Organization: Grid Services Group
William Cerf
I'm a huge fan of The Pattern Language
Location: Brooklyn, NY, us
William Ed Christwitz
thanks for keeping hope alive with your loving wisdom
Wolfgang Stark
community psychologist, doing research on patterns and pattern languages. working on improvisational patterns languages and integrating jazz patterns and musical wisdom . I am interested in applying patterns in community building and organizations of all kind.
Organization: University of Duisburg-Essen
Wout-Jan Koridon
The Deck: a great, collective achievement, help and inspiration
Yahya Mayet
Group analyst, facilitator, Integral Coach. Jungian Analyst
Location: Johannesburg, GT, za
Organization: The Empowered Studio
Yehudit Lieberman
Yin Yu
Yoosuf Moiz
Zena-Gabrielle Hailu
Zoe Metherell
Location: Olinda, Victoria, Australia