Shipping Methods & Times
US orders ship by USPS Priority Mail and typically arrive within 3 business days. Orders outside the United States ship via US Postal Service and timing is variable due to customs processing.
Distributor Contact & Payments by Check
For rush orders, delays, or questions about a specific order you have placed, contact our distributors in Seattle, Washington, USA: Alex Washoe & Dan Armstrong. Email or call 206-234-3652, Monday through Friday, 8am-6pm Pacific time. If you need to pay by check—U.S. accounts only, please—or return an item to our distributor, please send to: Group Pattern Language Project, 7729 15th Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98106 USA.
Other Questions
For other matters, including questions about:
- orders for more than 50 decks
- resales and wholesaling
- how to cancel or change an order
- damaged or incomplete orders
- delayed or time-sensitive orders
- refunds
- errors, bugs or confusions on this website
- anything else related to Group Works and GPLP
Please contact Dave Pollard at or call 778-788-4276 (in British Columbia, Canada).