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Characteristics of Flexwork Sustainment Plan (Draft)

Circle -  the plan is no longer has a life cycle with a beginning, middle, and end - can actually add value to their ecosystem. 
Simplify - (other words - comfort for people - speaks to the audience, clear understanding) A simple process allows you to stay focused on your purpose.
Invitation - Let people know why this is important and what to expect while requesting 
the honour of their presence.
Go Meta - from tactics to strategy
Hosting - Help the plan feel like home.
Priority Focus -Guide the user's energies, pace, and trajectory appropriately to 
achieve the stated intention and purpose
Balance Process and Content - Content refers to what you are talking about and the results of a plan. 
The process is how the conversation happens. Like two wings of a bird, both are 
needed for balance, lift, and progress
Translation -Translation forms a bridge of understanding from one person or group to another.
Feedback - (other words - continous improvement, evaluation Feedback lets us know what's working and what's not, helping us stay on track for achieving our goals.

(other words used -Lens/Focus [corporate, WPS, user], applicability, operations based, balanced, clear,concrete 
content, communication, mediate, translate, spokeperson, represntation, ownership - goverance structure)

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