Group Works home

Map Home Page


About this page
Other Functions

About this page

This document provides details on the use of the Map Home Page. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of card mapping and the terminology used within it. If you don't, you might wish to read the Card Mapping Tutorial before proceeding.

The Map Home Page displays a map without showing any extraneous material (such as unused cards). If you want to save a pointer to a map, this is the page you should bookmark. If you don't have a bookmark or other URL, you can get to a map's home page by clicking on its title on the Map Index page. You will be returned to the home page when you click Save or Cancel from one of the editing pages for the map.


You can't make any changes to the map directly from the home page. If you want to make changes, use the menu links to go to other pages that will enable you to modify or delete the map or to create a new map cloned from the current one. The links are as follows:

Edit cards and text
This link takes you to the "Edit Cards and Text" page, where you can
Edit layout

Click this link if you want to change the number and position of the slots, creating layouts with more or fewer slots or with non-linear designs.

New map with this layout

This link "clones" the current map to produce a new one with the same slot layout as the current map, but with no cards in the slots. The new map will be shown on an "Edit Cards and Text" page where you can complete its definition. The title and description will initially be blank.

New map with this layout and cards

This link is similar to the previous one, but the cloned map will initially have the same layout and the same cards as the current one. The title and description will initially be blank.

Other Functions

On any page, you can double-click a card to view a larger version that includes all of the text on the card at a readable size. This image should appear in the lower right corner of your screen. (Due to Microsoft's legendary disregard for web standards, the display may appear in some other place or not at all in IE8 or earlier; if you use one of these browsers, consider upgrading to IE9, which seems to work better.)

The image will always be "on top", covering any other displayed elements occupying the same area. If it is in an inconvenient location, you can drag it to a better one.

Double-clicking the larger image, in turn, will open a new browser window or tab (depending on your browser and its settings) showing the full web page for the pattern represented by the card, including a comprehensive description, examples, and other resources.

You can double-click another card to replace the larger image with a different one, or click the X at the upper right of the image to dismiss it.