The It’s All Related Game (best for 2-6 players; easy for beginners)
(also called the "Yes, and..." game)
- Select a card from the Intention category (red leaf, arrow logo) at random and place it in the centre of the table as the starting card.
- Dealer deals out cards to each player (2 players — 7 cards each; 3 players - 6 cards each; 4 players - 5 cards each; 5-6 players - 4 cards each). As s/he does so, s/he sets the context for the game by imagining and saying out loud the Who, Where and Why of the meeting (e.g. "Religious group meeting in the church to discuss how to deal with falling attendance at services".) S/he also says something about how the starting card relates to that meeting (e.g. if the starting card is “Invitation”, “All church members, especially those who no longer regularly attend services, are invited”.)
- Moving to the left, each player in turn adds, from their hand, a card related to any of the cards played to date.
- It is related if it is listed on the player's card as related, or listed as related on the card on the table. The card can be played to the right, left, above or below the card to which it is related. Once four related cards have been played related to a card, it is out of play, and players must play beside one of the other cards on the table.
- As each card is played, the player imagines and says out loud a specific detail that conveys the presence or invocation of that pattern in the context of the story the dealer has introduced. For example, if the card played was Aesthetics of Space in the context of the religious meeting the dealer introduced, the player might say "The meeting was held on the church dais, with the sun streaming in through the stained glass windows, instead of the usual church basement meeting room." If the next player played the Circle card beside Aesthetics of Space they might say “…and the chairs were arranged in a circle rather than using the linear arrangement of the pews". To help those unfamiliar with the patterns, more experienced players are encouraged to help the inexperienced player craft their addition to the story.
- If at any time a player is unable to play any of the cards in their hand, they must instead draw a new card from the top of the unused card deck. If that card can be played, they can immediately play it. Otherwise they say "pass" and play moves to the person to their left.
- Each card played scores one point for the person playing it. If it is related to more than one adjacent card, they score 2, 3 or 4 points respectively.
- Once a player has played their last card on the table, the game ends. Each player subtracts the number of cards left in their hand from their point total, and person with the most points wins. Inspiration: Dominoes
When to Use / Type of Meeting / When in Agenda:
Learning, good for those unfamiliar with the deck
Good 2-player game
Minimum Length:
15 minutes
Maximum Length:
60 minutes
Minimum Participants:
2 participants
Maximum Participants:
13 participants