
We are excited that enthusiasm for the Group Works deck/Pattern Language for Group Process spans geography, culture and language.  A number of foreign translations are at some stage of development.

Thus far, complete Group Works translations have been published in:

Interested in Translating Group Works into another language?

We offer Group Works under an open source license to encourage derivative work/products of all kinds--one obvious kind is foreign translations.  We would love for you to translate Group Works into another language!

Because we published Group Works under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0), you are free to translate Group Works (with or without changes) and publish it yourself and sell it commercially without any authorization from us as long as you:  (1) attribute the original work to us, and (2) also publish it under the same CC BY-SA 4.0 license (which means that others could then take your work and with attribution and use of the same license make further changes and sell it commercially . . .)

Please note that the content of the patterns (including titles, text descriptions, designation of categories and identification of related patterns) were developed by the Group Pattern Language Project, while the images were either sourced from individual photographers who gave us permission directly to use their photographs or obtained from the 'net, mostly via Flickr.  The latter have their own governing license:  in all cases attribution, share-alike and commercial, but in many cases not allowing any derivations/changes.

If you are interested in making use of our "branding"--that is, the graphic style/look of the cards, specifically the colored leaf motif--you will need our permission.  We are open to sharing our actual graphic files with you (InDesign is the software program we used), but before turning the InDesign files over to you we will ask that you agree to a few terms, including our right to review the translated text, your promise not to share our graphic files with anyone else, and your agreement to provide us with a copy of your final graphic design files for our archive as well as a few print copies if you publish.

In summary, you are free to both translate, and build upon or change, our work as long as you attribute Group Pattern Language Project as the source material for your work, and you publish under the same Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).  Click here for more information about this license.

Please contact us at for more information and support, and to add your translation project notice/information to our list below. Kavana Tree Bressen is current point of contact for translations.

Potential Translations Underway

Chinese (Simplified & Traditional)

Chinese translation is on the way! Translation of the booklet and cards into Chinese (Simplified characters) has been completed, as of Oct 2021 the translators are in the process of integrating their work with the existing graphic design.  Another practitioner is interested in building on that work to also create an edition in Traditional characters, if you'd like to help make that happen please contact Jane Lewis at

עברית (Hebrew)

התרגום העברי החל כחלק מפרוייקט הגמר בתכנית שנתית מעמיקה של "הנחיית קבוצות, מצוינות אישית ופיתוח מנהיגות" בביראד, בית הספר ללימודי תעודה מתקדמים של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, תחת הנחייתו של ראש התוכנית, מר הארי גוטסדינר. את פרוייקט התרגום מובילה ד"ר נחל בינור בעזרתם של יקי קורן ונועה מטלון, ותוך כדי חשיבה משותפת עם שאר חברי הקבוצה בתוכנית, להם רקע מקצועי מגוון. עם סיום התוכנית (אוקטובר 2021), נחל תמשיך להוביל את התרגום עד להשלמת הגרסה העברית המלאה (צפי סיום עד דצמבר 2021).

המתעניינים מוזמנים ליצור קשר עם נחל:

The Hebrew translation of the deck began as part of the final project in an in-depth annual program of "Group Facilitation, Personal Excellence and Leadership Development" at Birad Advanced Certificate Studies at Bar-Ilan University (Israel), under the supervision of the Program Head, Mr. Harry Gotesdyner. The translation project is led by Dr. Nahal Binur with the assistance of Yaki Koren and Noa Matalon, and through joint thinking process with other group members, coming from diverse professional backgrounds. Upon completion of the program (October 2021), Nahal will continue to lead the translation until the completion of the full Hebrew version (expected completion by December 2021).  Those interested are invited to contact Nahal:

Italiano (Italian)

Siamo due facilitatori e formatori attivi nella rete della Transizione e Permacultura Italiana. Abbiamo usato le carte durante un training in Inghilterra e le abbiamo subito apprezzate come strumento da usare per diffondere la facilitazione e il suo linguaggio. Stiamo lavorando alla traduzione e al metodo di diffusione, se siete interessati saremmo contenti di sentirvi. Pierre e Deborah.

Reading from Italy? We are two facilitators and trainers, involved in Transition and Permaculture in Italy. We used the cards while training in England and appreciated them immediately as tools to spread facilitation and its language. We are currently (Feb 2014) working at the translation and on how to promote their use. If you are interested, get in touch. Pierre and Deborah

Nederlands (Dutch)

Samenhuizen is een koepelorganisatie voor gemeenschappelijk wonen in Vlaanderen. We organiseren vormingen, bezoeken en andere activiteiten en promoten alternatieve woonvormen bij het brede publiek. Contact: Website:

Samenhuizen is a Belgian umbrella organisation for collaborative housing and intentional communities in Flanders. We organize trainings and other activities and promote alternative housing in general. Contact: Web:

Completed Translations

Español (Spanish)

Quiénes somos

Marta Porta
Facilitadora y formadora de procesos grupales orientados al cambio, especialmente en las áreas de comunicación, gestión emocional y resolución de conflictos.
Actualmente participa en un proyecto de educación integral en el ámbito de las relaciones afectivo-sexuales y la equidad de género, con adolescentes, familias y profesorado. Licenciada en Biología y Máster en Gestión mediambiental.


Who we are

Marta Porta
Facilitator and trainer of change-oriented group processes, especially in the areas of communication, emotional management and conflict resolution. Member of IIFAC-E.
Currently involved in a project of comprehensive education in the field of affective-sexual relationships and gender equity, with teenagers, families and teachers. Degree in Biology and a Masters in Environmental Management.

José Luis Escorihuela ‘Ulises’ es un facilitador profesional y educador en temas relacionados con la sostenibilidad social. Licenciado en Matemáticas (Universidad de Zaragoza) y Filosofía (Universidad de París-Sorbona), postgrado en Historia de la Ciencia y Resolución de Conflictos, es miembro fundador de Selba Vida Sostenible, una asociación que tiene como principal objetivo la difusión, formación y consultoría en formas de vida sostenible, miembro activo del Instituto Internacional de Facilitación y Cambio Europa y de Gaia Education ( Trabaja actualmente como facilitador de alcance internacional, escribe una columna regular en la revista EcoHabitar ( y es el coordinador académico del curso virtual de posgrado de Gaia Educatión Diseño para la Sostenibilidad, GEDS, que ofrece la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC, y del curso de Facilitación de grupos que ofrece la Universidad de Zaragoza. Ulises vive entre Barcelona y Artosilla, un pequeño pueblo en el Prepirineo aragonés. Ha publicado un libro: ‘Camino se hace al andar. Del individuo moderno a la comunidad sostenible’ (, y está preparando un segundo libro sobre el tema de la facilitación de grupos.

José Luis Escorihuela, ‘Ulises’, is a professional facilitator and sustainability educator, founder of Selba Vida Sostenible, a Spanish non-for-profit association aimed at the dissemination, education and consultancy about sustainable life styles, including ecovillages. In 1999 he helped form the Spanish Ecovillage Network (RIE: Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas), where he has been a very active member and its representative at GEN-Europe for many years. He has a background in Mathematics, History of Science, Philosophy, and Conflict Resolution. Member of the IIFAC ( he currently works as an international facilitator, writes a regular column about facilitation for the magazine EcoHabitar (, and coordinates the Gaia Education Design for Sustainability programme, GEDS, offered in collaboration with the Open University of Catalonia, UOC, and the Group Facilitation program, offered by the University of Zaragoza. Ulises lives between Barcelona and Artosilla, a little hamlet in the Central Pyrenees, where there is a community project. He has published a book: ‘A Path Made by Walking. From the Modern Individual to the Sustainable Community’ (, and is writing a second book about group facilitation.

Instituto Internacional de Facilitación y Cambio – Europa (IIFAC-E)
Ulises y Marta somos miembros fundadores del IIFAC-E (, una asociación española de profesionales con una inquietud compartida: la facilitación de grupos como herramienta de transformación ecosocial.  Apoyamos a grupos en sus reuniones y procesos (toma de decisiones, búsqueda de visión común, indagación apreciativa, gestión de conflictos, etc); asesoramos y formamos en cualquiera de estos temas; e investigamos y experimentamos nuevas herramientas. Trabajamos desde la responsabilidad y la creatividad; potenciando la confianza y la comunicación, en el camino hacia el elderazgo.

International Institute for Facilitation and Change - Europa, IIFAC-E
Ulises and Marta are founding members of the IIFAC-E (, a Spanish association of professional facilitators with a common goal: group facilitation as a tool for eco-social transformation. We support group meetings and processes (decision making, common vision, collective inquiry, conflict management…), give consultancy and training in any of these topics, and do research and experimentation with new tools. Our work is based on responsibility and creativity, fostering trust and communication, towards eldership.

Français (French)

Un outil de facilitation de groupe efficace pour définir des objectifs, créer de la cohésion, vaincre des blocages, organiser des événements...
Particulièrement utiles aux professionnels de la facilitation, ces cartes sont aussi facilement utilisables par toute personne animant ou appartenant à un groupe. Au fil de l’utilisation du jeu, les groupes développent un langage commun qui facilite ses réflexions et renforce le travail collectif.

Le jeu (en anglais Group Works) a été développé par une cinquantaine de facilitatrices et facilitateurs d’Amérique du Nord (Canada et USA), qui, pendant plusieurs années, ont mis en commun leur expérience des meilleurs évènements collectifs qu’il leur avait été donné de voir. C’est leur souhait d’offrir leur travail sous une licence ouverte qui permet aujourd’hui à la version française d’exister.

Traduit en français par Christine Koehler, Juan Carlos Londono A et Jérémie Schaeli:

Facilitatrice en intelligence collective et psychanalyste intégrative, Christine développe des innovations sociales, travaille sur les leviers de changements et l’émergence de nouveaux possibles.

Conférencier, formateur et consultant passionné par les pratiques collaboratives, Juan Carlos a co-fondé Lupuna, une firme de conseil spécialiseé dans la conception et la facilitation de processus

Facilitateur issu du travail social et du développement communautaire, Jérémie conjugue les outils de la facilitation et de la non-violence pour servir les milieux militants et le monde associatif dans les contextes les plus variés et à tarif libre!

Vous avez des questions, commentaires ou des propositions à nous faire? Contactez-nous:

The French translation of the deck was produced by Christine Koehler (Paris), Juan Carlos Londono A (Montréal) et Jérémie Schaeli (Lausanne). If you have questions, comments or suggestions on the French version, contact them at:

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