Ten Ways You Can Participate in the Group Works Pattern Language Project and Community
1. Just want to stay abreast of what’s new with the deck and language?
- Join our email list for discussions
- Join our email list for major announcements only
- Join up to be a 'community' member on our website
2. Want to share your knowledge and experience from using the deck?
- Post a review on our site
- Add to the pattern descriptions and stories on our website
3. Want to help develop applications or translations of the deck?
- Talk with Dave if you can help convert the iPhone app to work on Android
- Check out current Translation Projects and let us know if you’d like to help translate Group Works into more languages
- Talk with Dave about joining or developing new 'branch' projects such as embedding the language in our practices, developing a curriculum around Group Works, applying the language in virtual meetings and integrating it in other technology platforms
4. Want to help expand your own and others’ use of the deck in your professional work?
- Use the deck and language day to day in all your activities
- Acknowledge others' use of the patterns by sending 'pattern thank you cards’
- Apply or invent new Group Works activities (event prep/review, in the moment, learning/teaching practices, exercises, games) (note, posting these to the website requires registration)
5. Want to meet and network with other folks using the deck in your community?
- Talk with Tree about how to create or join a local peer sharing group, especially one based on this exercise
6. Want to help spread the word about the deck and language?
- Talk with Dave about becoming a Group Works Ambassador: Get involved with outreach/conference activities, such as: presenting workshops, videos, making slide decks, ‘strewing’ (passing out free cards), writing articles, sending free decks to key people, helping with event management and organization, and even make a small profit reselling decks
- Send your announcements and news about the deck to Caitlin for posting on our Facebook page and Twitter feed
7. Want to write new patterns? Talk with Tree.
8. Want to help grow our understanding of how the ‘patterns’ map to ‘methods’ of facilitation?
- Post your Method Maps to the website
9. Want to help us steward current activities forward as a member of our project team?
- Talk with Tree (or Dave or Caitie) about getting involved in admin work, such as: fundraising, content or website management, or other projects
10. Want to support the project but have limited time?
- Send us a donation
See more ideas on the Potential Volunteer Things to Do List and Future Ideas pages.
Thanks for being a part of this amazing project!